A highly anticipated topic because let's be honest, we all love that cup of joe😉 but it's developed quite an awful rep in the health space over the years and many Heath enthusiasts will tell you to ditch it, but fear not guys I'm here to tell you it can stay! But you've gotta change up the WAY you're consuming coffee. I think the problem with our society is that we consume coffee so irresponsibly! We need to take responsibility for the fact that this is a POWERFUL plant and we gotta treat her with some respect, or she will break you🤷🏻♀️
Okay so here's why we like coffee:
~ Pro metabolic, meaning it raises your metabolism and making you metabolically active means your digestion is working effectively, processing your food and helping you go to the bathroom especially if you are prone to sluggish digestion 💩 Its also got an incredibly rich antioxidant profile and many studies show it's cardio protective benefits as drinkers of coffee have far fewer rates of heart disease and lower risk of cardiovascular incidents, many of the healthiest populations in the world drink coffee religiously every day! So what are we doing wrong?
. Our lifestyles are very grab and go and we abuse the power of coffee to mask the fact that we are chronically exhausted and don't wanna feel the effects of your depleting lifestyle and feel how you actually feel- FATIGUED AF. So you chug coffee all day long and hope for the best. THIS IS BAD NEWS!
Coffee is an incredible energy intensive event for the body i.e. It NEEDS adequate fuel to process and utilise and deal with it but as many people don't provide this, we instead trigger a stress response and end up damaging our bodies, you see if you do not provide your body the fuel it needs it literally breaks you apart to get it. That's right, it steals glucose from your liver, your cells and pulls nutrition from your muscles in order to nourish itself through the ordeal leaving you malnourished, depleted and running off of stress hormones. So what can be done?
~ NEVER NEVER NEVER drink coffee on an empty stomach!! This exacerbates the stress response tenfold and causes that self destructive process. Eat A meal before hand that is calorically significant, Rich is protein, fat and glucose. So if your first coffee is at breakfast, a yogurt bowl with berries (glucose) and whole fat yogurt (fat and protein) with extra seeds or nut butter is perfect for balancing that energy intensive process.
~ BLACK COFFEE ISNT BEST- yep you heard, it's actually healthier to have that creamy milky latte. Think about it black coffee is just strong coffee and water making it very easily absorbed in to the body with nothing to buffer or slow its effects, a recipe for stress on the body. So use while milk or coconut cream, extra coconut butter/oil or organic ghee to add balancing fats to your coffee and again with the controversy, consuming some sugar in your coffee will provide the glucose your body needs to not get depleted or dip blood sugar levels so add some unrefined brown sugar, coconut sugar or maple syrup!
~ Eat when you're hungry, as I said coffee is great at revving up that metabolism which means that you will get hungry some point soon afterwards- honour and respect the effect it is having on your body and FEED yourself; otherwise you'll only trigger what we tried to prevent earlier✨
~ Add some tonic herbs! Medicinal mushrooms and adaptogens like ashwaganda help to buffer the effects of the caffeine on the body and modulate where it may be a stressor on the body- pretty cool huh! Check out foursigmatic
~ Stick to 1-2 coffees a day max- although it can be nice to stimulate your body that way when you want it, it's not healthy for the body to be battling that cycle constantly throughout the day. Like I said before, plants are powerful! Do not abuse that power or you will reap the negative repercussions of doing so, moderation is key!!
And if you feel like you need dozens of coffees a day to keep going then it's time to look deeper my friend, you're just avoiding your natural state and if that state doesn't feel good to you then you've got some work to do that I wouldn't ignore if I were you, what remains suppressed under the surface will always erupt in a way you can no longer ignore eventually!
Okay, thats it for today guys thanks for popping in! And as always leave any questions you have below or dm me, i’m always open!
Much love,
Bella x